JULIA SPEAKS MOVED! Follow My New Blog Instead ♥

by - August 01, 2020

It's time to move!

Dear readers,
(I never start any blog posts that way, so this feels extra official!)

I am happy to announce that big changes have been happening behind-the-scenes in the last few months. When lockdown started last March, I had a lot more time on my hands. So I decided that it was the perfect moment to do something I'd been thinking about for some time: self-host my blog!

I have been blogging here on Julia Speaks for years now. I started this blog to share my love of beauty and makeup, as well as travel, and all this time the blog has evolved with me and my interests.
I want Julia Speaks to resonate with readers from various backgrounds, ages, interests, all with the intention of bringing you some food for thought, lifestyle motivation, travel tips, and help you navigate daily life with intention and taking care of yourself on the way.

We will do all this together on my new blog, www.julia-speaks.com.
It has been a long time in the making and I truly hope you stick with me there!

You will find all my old blog posts there:

Please, follow the new blog on Bloglovin so that you don't miss a new post!
I will not be updating this blog anymore, though the content will still be up until everything is settled.

See you over at Julia Speaks!
Lots of Love!
Julia x

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