
Why You Should Do Things NOW

by - April 14, 2018

No more excuses.

Procrastinating is so easy, especially when the weather is crap in the early spring days. We'd all like to snuggle in bed with a hot drink and a film instead of working or completing the projects we've been postponing for ages. We're all guilty of doing that aren't we? However today, I'm going to talk you through all the reasons why you should be doing stuff right now. Close Netflix, get yourself at your desk and think about these...

Working can be tiresome and feel like a chore sometimes, even when you love your job. As much as I love teaching, sometimes creating Powerpoints and planning lessons is the last thing in the world that I want to do. But will putting off the work make it disappear? Nope, it'll still be there in a couple hours, which I'll have spent mentally complaining and vegetating. A lot of time lost, not much accomplished. 
If you do the work as soon as you can, you can tick it off your list and not think about it again. It'll make you feel satisfied and you'll enjoy even more your time afterwards, because you'll feel like you've well deserved it! At the weekend, don't postpone a task until the late afternoon. If you do it in the morning, you'll enjoy cups of tea in front of YouTube videos for as long as you want once you're done. Find the little things in your daily routine that would be a reward - it may be a normal part of your day, but it'll feel ten times better if you do it after you cross the tasks off your to-do list!

What is preventing your from doing things, if not yourself? Procrastination is a big psychological process, and I think everything that happens in your mind can be solved by you and only you. It just takes a little motivation to accomplish the things you have and want to do.
Stop thinking about that project you've been wanting to do for ages. Get your head together and do it! You can always improve it and change it later. Once you've started, it'll feel a lot less daunting and you'll finally enjoy it. How many times have we told ourselves "I should have done this earlier!"? I bet we've all said that to ourselves more or less recently. 
One of my big projects to accomplish this year is to complete a novel I have started writing a couple years ago. To motivate myself on days where I feel like procrastinating, I think about my goal, the outcome of all the work I am putting in the novel, and this fuels my mind to give me the motivation I need - saying that yes, I can do it and it'll be an awesome accomplishment. It all starts in your mind!

« Do it now. Sometimes 'later' becomes 'never'. »

It is important to take pride in what you do, even the smallest things. If you push yourself, find the motivation when it seems impossible, and do instead of saying 'I wish I'd do this', you will show yourself and the world what you can do. The quicker you start, the more you can do and the best you can become. Whether it's work, a sport, your blog, your health, writing a book, starting your business, changing something in your life that you're not satisfied with - it all comes from you, and all the results you'll get will be thanks to your determination, power and your own making. The best motivation to accomplish something should always be yourself, and the pride you will take in accomplishing these challenges, no matter how big or small they are.
Don't wait for other people to do it for you, take the reins and show yourself what you're capable of!


What is the one thing you have to do right now that you've been avoiding? Go and do it now!

Lots of love,
Julia x

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