Fashion OOTD: A Winter Morning in Paris

by - January 10, 2016

Where has winter gone?! In Paris (and in different parts of France actually), these past few months have felt like a really, really long autumn - or a very early spring, depending on the days! Although it is pleasant to walk around without a scarf and gloves on, this situation is slightly scary if you ask me. I'm sure colder days are coming though, now that January has arrived.
However the day when these photos were taken was spent with my scarf thrown in my bag most of the time! I went to the Champs Elysées with my mum and little brother to see the Christmas Market, even though Christmas was already behind us. My mum is just like me, she loves everything Christmas related and she took photos of basically every Santa she could see. I wanted to take a few outfit photos, it has been a while since I last posted an Outfit Of The Day post! 
I love this skirt, I found it in a charity shop in Paris last year. The buttons on the front are my favourite thing! It is slightly too short though, I don't always feel comfortable about wearing short skirts when I'm here in Paris - that's not a problem in England, but here, let me tell you, being a woman makes you need to pay constant attention to the way you dress... anyways, that is a whole other story!

More about the place: the fountain that you can see in these photos is located at the Place de la Concorde, right between the park of the Tuileries and the Champs Elysées. Often full of tourists and crazy traffic, some forget that this was the place where, in 1793, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's heads were chopped off (and many other heads too, actually!). Every bit of Paris has a story to tell!

Have you ever been to the Champs Elysées? Also, let me know how the weather is where you live! Is it winter yet?

Lots of love,
Julia x

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10 commentaires

  1. Wow I love the photos and your outfit. Here in Malta feels like Summer, with blue skies and warm temperatures :(

    1. Thanks Yasmine! Malta must be beautiful under the sun though :D xx

  2. Mornings in Paris is always a good idea. Perfect outfit for a stroll in a beautiful city! :)

    Have a great day! :)

    SHAIRA //

    1. I agree with you on that Shaira! xx

  3. I love that skirt!!! And the top with its cute peter pan collar (you know I love those). But the skirt is absolutely beautiful, and you have no idea how angry I got reading that you have to be careful with what you wear in Paris. That makes me so mad - the world is not supposed to be like that!!! Arrrgh!!
    On a lighter note, you pictures are wonderful, and weather wise we are definitely in winter, with almost -20 degrees most days. Hope you'll find winter will come to you too.
    Much love,

    1. Peter Pan collars are the best! And yes, France still has some work to do on that side of things - I find that countries up North are a lot more open to personal liberties like that. With -20°C you're definitely in haha, keep warm! xx

  4. Great photos and a place I would love to visit!!

  5. It is all global warming, it is around 15 degrees here and it is meant to drop down to 2 in a few days... that's insane :) I haven't been to Paris yet, but when I go there, I will definitely visit this place, it is so beautiful! Your outfit is lovely, I really like the coat and scarf! x

    1. It's true, global warming is hitting us like never before right now :( I'm sure you'll get the chance to visit there - it is a must-see for people who visit Paris! Thanks so much for your lovely comment. xx


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