The Life Lessons I Learned in 2019

by - December 30, 2019

And that's a wrap!

The year 2019 came and went, and now is time to reflect on everything i have learned this year. All these things I have learned through experiences, self-reflection, difficult times but also times where everything fell back into place for a while. There has been a lot of great things that have happened to me this year personally, with a few drawbacks - because there is no such thing as a perfect life. Admittedly, it has also been a pretty relaxed year, with no major shift in my mindset. I think I have accomplished my biggest mental and personal growth in my early 20s, and now that I am halfway through I just gotta adjust to whatever comes my way and get on with things!


You can't be at 100% every day, and that's okay.
This year I have really learned (without big revelation, just slowly and confidently) that one should not expect to be at their maximum all the time. However strong your motivation is, your body may not follow; or one day you just wake up with big plans but no will to accomplish them at all. Instead of beating myself up like I would do some years ago, I decided to embrace the fact that no one is perfect and that whatever I don't achieve one day, I can easily achieve another time. Save yourself the guilt and use your time to take care of yourself and get yourself back to the right place and mindset!

You will always have so many wonderful opportunities.
Here, I am talking about opportunities in any shape or form. The opportunity to meet new people, to say yes to events you would have never thought you'd experience, to visit new places just because you say "why not" and give them a chance; the opportunity to expand your horizons, professionally and personally. The me of January 2019 would never have guessed where the me of December 2019 would be - and I'm the first to be surprised at what I have seen and done this year! I decided to visit Budapest on a whim and found one of my favourite cities ever, I did a Skype job interview without any expectations, not knowing that I would end up getting the job and love it and everything it's bringing me - and I could go on! If you haven't had the best time recently, just remember that things change, and if you find yourself in a pit, there will be forces helping you back up again.

Sometimes, good things do come to those who wait.
I typically have a can-do attitude and always encourage people do get out and do things for themselves, earning what they get and so on, but this year I've realised that sometimes you just gotta wait: things you never thought would come through your own great work, will come anyways even though you may have lost all hope. Last June I was desperate for a new job. My teacher job in London was only a one-year contract and was ending soon, and I could not for the life of me find another teaching position. I applied to one that I really wanted, and didn't get it after the interview. I got a position that, after the interview, I realised I didn't really want to take. I didn't know whether I would stay in London or move back to France. That time was really tough for me, because I was at a crossroads in the dark and not matter the efforts I put into finding another job, there was nothing. Eventually, in July, I got my present job in Paris - after an interview that I thought would not lead to anything. It just happened. So it's okay if sometimes you feel like you're just in the waiting room. A door will open eventually. Just keep your spirits up!

You never know where you will end up, so there's no use planning tomorrow like it's gonna be your only definite plan.
When we are at "critical" times, i.e. between jobs, moving cities or having changes in our relationships with loved ones, we may feel like the direction we're taking, voluntarily or not, is the one that we'll be following for the rest of our life. Like there's no going back, changing your mind, twists and turns and new opportunities. When I was looking for a new job, instead of seeing my horizons open up, I saw them narrow down. Each idea I had for the near future suddenly blocked me and I kept thinking like any decision I was going to take then would put me in a box for the next decade. Now, isn't that a terrible way of seeing things? 

I was planning my whole life (or at least a good chunk of it) based on one choice, one move, one big change. But actually, there are plenty of other big changes, expected and unexpected, which will shape my life anyway. I will take new decisions, new directions, that may lead me to places I never thought I would be. Don't get me wrong, there is some good in looking ahead and planning for success (otherwise, how would one accomplish their goals and dreams?) but this year I have learned that not every day, every month and every year will bring me new things, good and bad, and that no matter how much I feel like I am planning tomorrow right now, life finds its way to surprise us with what we have not planned. 
Now, doesn't that make the new year sound like an empowering adventure to take on? Let's do this!

What have you learned about yourself or the world around you in 2019?

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24 commentaires

  1. Hm, I haven´t thought About that yet. I learned a few new skills and had memorable experiences, but I am not sure I learned anything profound about myself or my life that I didn´t know before.
    It seems that at my age I get reminded of things I already knew rather than discovering completely new things.

    1. You don't necessarily need to learn something profound - sometimes it's just about having great memories and feeling happy when you look back on that time in your life! xx

  2. Ahh, I love the first point, I am constantly beating myself up for 'being lazy' and need to learn how to accept some days are slower than others.

    I hope you have an amazing year!

    1. Gosh, I know this too well! For people like us, lazy is the worst insult, right? But I would say it's about prioritizing and listening to yourself, rather than being lazy and "not doing things" :D xx

  3. That's great! Well done for learning how much you demand from you. I'm well aware of setting up some targets that are less than reasonable and then being upset I didn't reach them, even though it wasn't realistic, regardless of everything else that happened around me.
    Hope you'll have an amazing year. xx

    1. Thank you Anca, for being so supportive! Have an amazing year too! xx

  4. I definitely need to remind myself about that first point you made! And I'm super happy for you about your job role!! I bet it's amazing to work and live in Paris! <3

    1. It's definitely an amazing opportunity! Thank you for reading Fran ♥ xx

  5. You've shared some really lovely things to have learned over this past year - and unusual ones too! My favourite? Understanding that good opportunities will always come on by; that's so lovely to always keep in mind! Happy 2020 girl!! x

    1. Well I hope these reflections have given you room to explore your own accomplishments too, Gabrielle! Have a very happy new year!

      Julia x
      Last Post: The Life Lessons I Learned in 2019 |

  6. I love this! It's so true that opportunities are endless and often come when we least expect it. Congratulations on the job in Paris, that's such an amazing opportunity. I love reading about experiences of fellow teachers, it sounds like 2019 was a great year!

    My Lovelier Days

    1. Thank you for reading Diana! Sometimes the best thing we can do, aside from planning every little thing, is to let fate surprise us, right? :D xx

  7. What a great post! I do truly believe that good things will come to those who wait! Massive congratulations on your job in Paris! x

    Georgia Rose |

    1. Thank you Georgia Rose, I hope 2020 has plenty of wonderful things in store for you! xx

  8. Happy new year! I loved reading these, I totally agree good things come to those who wait even if it feels hard waiting xx

    1. Happy new year Gemma, and thank you for reading! xx

  9. Yes! This is just beautiful!
    Happy 2020! :)

  10. Happy new year dear! Nice post.

    Have a great day!



  11. Those are great things to get to learn. Happy New Year! xx

    1. Happy new year Nina, and thank you! xx

  12. Aw congrats on your new job Julia! And I loved reading your thoughts, I often fall in to thinking whatever circumstances define one day, will stay the same for the next decade and it gives you so little options and feels terrifying, that is so true! But I must remember that even though I am at 5% today and 9% yesterday, I was at 80% one day recently and even 90% for another day! I must remember those days and how I really don't have a bad day every day <3 and if I can keep on doing things that is amazing! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel that way, we should always check ourselves when we start thinking like that. You should be proud of all your efforts! Thank you for reading Elizabeth! Happy new year! xx


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