Review: My Thoughts on the Stila Patina Liquid Lipstick
The Stila liquid lipstick in shade Patina has been so famous and so raved about in blogs, that you must all have heard about it - if you don't even own it yourself. I was quite curious about it after reading a few very positive reviews, the only thing I wasn't too sure about was the colour. Brown shades have made a huge comeback in makeup trends recently, but I don't like brown shades or undertones, I think it just looks tacky. The whole Kylie Jenner lips thing has left me very dubious, I don't really like her style so I'm not into 'Kylie lips' or anything about that trend. Patina, however, looked like a pretty shade, it always looks somehow pink-toned on swatches but is described as a brownish shade, so I wasn't sure who to believe.
I'll start with the shade first. When the product is wet, the colour is a beautiful deep mauve shade. As you can see from the swatches, it is super pigmented, not glossy at all (it dries matte on the lips). The only thing is that the colour changes: when it dries, the shade turns out more brown than it originally is. It has made me a bit disappointed to see that the pretty colour that you first get doesn't stay that way and that the brown undertones stand out more. In that state of things, I feel like the shade doesn't suit me at all. It makes me look washed out and makes my teeth look yellow. I wish you could see that better in the photos, the lighting makes the colour appear more pink than it actually is! In the last photo you can see a little that it has set and dried, hopefully you'll be able to tell the difference.
Now for the texture. It is one of the weirdest textures of lipstick I've ever tried! It feels very smooth at first and only one coat gives you a perfect coverage, but then it starts to dry and you can feel it on your lips. I wouldn't go as far as to say it is uncomfortable, but the first couple of times, it definitely surprises you! Also, your lips have to be super moisturised and exfoliated before you apply liquid lipstick, otherwise it'll look flaky and not so pretty. The real advantage of such a texture is that it stays on for hours and hours - I've never seen that lasting power before, it's incredible! Even when you eat and drink, it stays put. Don't try to do touch ups during the day anyways because it'll add too much product on the lips and look funny! ;)
Overall, this Stila lipstick is great if you're looking for a high quality liquid lipstick. They have other shades too, so these would be worth checking out! However, if you don't feel comfortable wearing matte formulas and don't want you lipstick to be too obvious (clearly, this is the total opposite from a natural lip look and looks prettier from far away than when you look too closely), this is not the right product for you! As for me, I'll probably be wearing it once in a while, but that's too far from my personal style for me to wear it often!
Have you tried liquid lipsticks before? And do you like brown shades - or are you more like me? :P
Lots of love,
Julia x
Lots of love,
Julia x