
Christmas 2017: My Favourite Festive Spots in Paris

Noël, Noël... To be honest with you, I don't think that Paris at Christmas is particularly enthralling. There isn't a particularly good Christmas Market, some areas are really lacking in lights and decorations, and there aren't definitely enough Christmas trees. However, every year I try to find the...

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Christmas 2017: Festive Fun in Bath, England

Living the festive dream. Being in Bath, I was pretty excited to see what it would look like at Christmas time. I had ...

Christmas 2017: The Most Festive Shower Gel from Lush

Because Santa also needs to shower once in a while. I love Lush. They always come up with the greatest products and ...

Christmas 2017: Christmas Spots in London, England

I told myself I would not go to Oxford Street this Christmas. And yet... Every year, London becomes a flashing ...

Christmas 2017: How To Get Into the Festive Spirit

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Can you hear Michael Buble's voice now? Because his songs have been ...

My 2017 Autumnal Makeup Look

My favourite time of year for makeup has arrived! Every year, I've been posting a new autumn makeup on the blog. It's ...

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